20 Guaranteed Ways to Make a Small Space Feel So Much Bigger

20 Guaranteed Ways to Make a Small Space Feel So Much Bigger
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    Sep 07, 2020

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  • Small spaces are exceptionally difficult to design and decorate because of necessary piece of large furniture: the bed, and Sofa. However, just because you have a large furniture in a small house, that doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your sense of style and, more importantly, sense of space. By following some simple guaranteed ways to make a small space feel so much bigger. You ll be amazed how these tricks and color schemes will quickly transforms a small space into so much bigger. We have put together a list of 20 simple tricks to make a small space look bigger? From simple touch ups to complete house redesigns, read on to find solutions that work for your small house.

    Use natural paint colors on the Floor and the Walls.

    While darker colors make a room appear comfy, instead of reflecting it they also absorb light, making the space feel smaller. Choose for lighter colored flooring as well as wall colors to make the room feel airy.

    Paint or wallpaper the ceiling to make the room look larger.

    Anything that pulls the eye upwards makes a room feel bigger. Wallpaper on ceiling make the room look taller.

     Use the same color on curtains & walls

    If you have a set of windows on one living room wall, then shutting them off with a bright and heavy fabric is a no-no. Instead, consider making your curtains the same color as your walls, and keep the fabric light and breezy. This monotone approach makes the wall seem like one seamless feature, which in turn elongates the room. The curtains don’t exert their influence on the space in terms of color and design– when this happens, the room inevitably looks smaller so you want to avoid it.

    Stay neutral with colors & patterns

    It might be tempting to turn your living room into a multi-colored room but it will make your space seem smaller. Instead, consider opting for a monochromatic palette, preferably using lighter and softer colors. Avoid going at patterns with a heavy hand because clashes will overwhelm the space; however, you could select to play with textures within a monochromatic color palette.

    Small living room design doesn’t have to be a homeowner’s nightmare. With these small living room design tips, you’re all set to create clever optical illusions and use your space to its full potential!

    Pull furniture away from the wall to create the delusion of largeness.

     It makes everything look and feel overcrowded when furniture is against the walls. Your bigger items can make the space look more open and airy even just few inches away from the wall.

    This may seem counter-intuitive, but it’s a genius visual trick. When arranging your furniture, arrange them a slight distance away from walls in a method called ‘floating’ furniture. The additional space behind the furniture makes the room feel bigger than it is, as though you do have that much space to spare. The consequent furniture setup is also a lot more cohesive and comfortable to be in.

    Get multi-purpose furniture equipped with storage

    In a small living room, you may find yourself compromising on nice furniture to make space for bulky chests of drawers and shelving. With multi-purpose furniture, you can hit two birds with one stone. Storage inside furnishing keeps unsightly necessities out of the way yet easily retrievable when required. By using this method, you can keep shelves and cabinets to a minimum and reduce the visual clutter that makes a room feel cramped.

    Follow the cantaloupe rule.

    Sabrina Soto, a home style expert from Target says "Decorative accents smaller than a cantaloupe crowd a room." Instead, go for fewer decorations that are are bigger. 

    Choose statement furniture that fills the room.

    In small living rooms, one large couch instead of multiple small pieces decreases the look of clutter and makes a room feel bigger.

    Use stripes to elongate the space.

    Just like vertical lines on clothing, a striped rug will make your room appear larger. Turn the stripes to go the length of the room that is the longest for optimum effect.

    Dye your shelves to create the look of structure.

    Whether it's with color, size or type, anything that makes a group of smaller items look deliberately arranged will make it feel more efficient. This works for books or anything else that is visible in your home.

    Use a Corner Rack

    Use a corner wall-mounted rack to hang go-to clothing articles instead of keeping a chair into the corner and throwing your clothes on it. It'll keep them top of mind when you're getting dressed and let you show off your favorite pieces with pride.

    Stay Out Of Middle Zone

    To offer the impression of a taller wall leave space above hanging art. Though, if you have shelves or other storage, keep it closer to the ceiling to appeal the eye upwards. The easiest way to do this is by breaking your wall into thirds, instead of halves. The hanging art should live closer to the lower third and any storage or shelves closer to the upper third. Each has an amplifying effect. 

    Leave your windows exposed to give a room more depth.

    More light gives a space depth. If you're concerned about privacy, roman shades or blinds instead of curtains look less crowded.

    Use attractive art pieces to make a room feel more extensive.

    Choose art pieces that are huge and bold instead of a gallery wall.

     Buy glass or Lucite items

    Glass and Lucite pieces are totally in style and trend right now, and can offer an added purpose of not taking up too much visual space.

    Coordinate Vertically or Horizontally

    This is a very important rule for making your house feel larger. Imagine your house as a huge painting or drawing. You want the lines of movement to synchronize throughout. If you have vertical lines and patterns everywhere, but then suddenly a horizontal patch, it breaks up the flow and segments the house, making it feel smaller. Either vertical or horizontal is great, but just don’t mix and match.

    Use rugs to discrete one room into smaller spaces.

    This is exclusively useful in studio apartments, this generates the look of having more than one space in a large one.

     Use different shades of the same color to create unity.

    For the wall, rug and furniture using different shades of the same color creates a chromatic coherence that makes the space feel open. If you don’t want to buy new furniture, adding a throw or pillows or accessories in the same shade can give you the same effect.

    Furniture with exposed legs is key.

    Instead of a sofa with boxy chairs, bigger pieces with exposed legs are perfect for a small space. Show off those legs. Bulky furniture legs will make your living room feel heavy and outdated. Instead, Select for furniture with thin legs and elegant outlines, because they allow space and light to flow that much more freely. They also look a lot less bulky and more modern, while performing the same functions as massive furniture. Trade floor-heavy coffee tables for mid-century modern versions, and do the same for TV consoles and side tables.

    Strategically place mirrors to create the illusion of more space.

    The best way to imitate light and make the room feel larger is placing a mirror across from a window. Another trick is to place a large window behind a chest or end table for a glamorous trompe- that makes it look like a whole other space is tucked behind it.

     Buy a visually interesting ceiling light fixture.

    Incorporating decorative ceiling lights with details attracts the eye upwards and adds height to a room. (These are some of most favorite chandeliers, flush mounts, and kids’ lighting.)

    Keep It Simple

    This is the best rule in designing or decorating house, but specifically if you want to make a small bedroom appear larger. It is easy to fall into the trick of adding unnecessary decorations and details, and after a while, you end up with a overcrowded, messy room. A few pictures, a nice night lamp, and a beautiful plant placed in the corner is all that is needed in this room.

    Overall, a room will always feel larger if you keep it clean and organized. Experiment with different types of furniture, beds, and bedding. Rearrange the layout and build shelves to maximize the space of your room. A simple design with synchronizing colors and patterns will not only make it more visually attractive, but also make your small bedroom room seem bigger.

    Break all the rules.

    Just because it's a living room doesn't mean you need a sofa and a coffee table and a TV. Astonishing furniture and arrangement will make the space itself feel more open and fun and personal. Maybe you want a bean bag chair. Maybe you want a hanging swing chair inside. Maybe you want both. Go wild.
